Academic Projects

Photometric Calibration applied to DSOL on UAV

qr code on pillar

We are preparing to use the direct method as in VO and formulate photometric error, I focused on photometric calibration when I learned and ported Direct Sparse Odometry Lite to our drone, which aims to provide localization in the wild and evaluate the importance of photometric calibration. I followed the manual photometric calibration paper from the TUM group and developed code to calculate the camera-response function and vignetting map. The calibration is proved to be useful for relative error metrics and prevents spikes in localization error.

Reinforcement learning for quadruped robot using Isaac Gym

a mini quadcopter

I learned to use Isaac Gym and designed a network architecture that allows a high level network to select and combine appropriate low-level controllers. My network is proven to be beneficial. This is a course project instructed by Prof. Michael Yip.

Mini relational database


A mini relational database implemented in C++ that supports sql-like commands with indexing and caching.

Mini quadcopter

a mini quadcopter

We designed PCB and control algorithm for this quadcopter which is ~14 cm in diagonal. This is a course project instructed by Prof. Steven Swanson.

Visual-Inertial SLAM

SLAM map

Given stereo camera observation and IMU observations of a real self-driving dataset, I developed a sparse, feature based SLAM algorithm based on EKF and jointly estimation of agent pose and landmark positions. My Instructor is Prof. Nikolay Atanasov.

Particle Filter SLAM

SLAM map

Given LIDAR and IMU observations of a real self-driving dataset, I developed a preliminary(no loop closure) SLAM algorithm based on occupancy map and particle filter. My Instructor is Prof. Nikolay Atanasov.